Friday, January 4, 2008

Katia in the Apartment.

  Tonight I shot Katia for my One-A-Day project (1/4/08). She brought some great wardrobe and ideas.  We did one shot with a ringflash and a fan. What an awesome 'go-to' for fashion stuff! Sooo not original. But rad nonetheless. You cannot argue with a good photograph. The second shot was our 'Korean war USO gal' glamour shot. I love it. It was lit with 3 cheap hot lights (basically light bulbs mounted in mixing bowls). One was a rim, another was a main, then the third was fill (from the same side as the main) with some diffusion over it. Trying out these simple lights and set-ups are awesome. It's so rad to move away from conventional/contemporary lighting and go with a 'golden age' camera club style. In post I desaturated the image a bit then added a color balance adjustment layer pumping up the yellows and reds to give it an 'aged color photograph' look.

Carl Evans

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mad Maddi

  For the 'One A Day' shoot (1/3/08 for those keeping score), Maddi C. came over so we shoot something quickly at my place. Very simple set-up. Rock on the hi-fi, ringflash, and a fan. She arrived 'camera ready' and we just went to it. I love this image. Very direct and hotly confrontational. She's also a character so we had a blast!

Carl Evans

Another one from EJ

  This is another one from the shoot with EJ from LA. Madi did the make-up. Simply lit with just a ringflash.

Carl Evans

Somewhere in Time


  Hi, this is Tara, the model in the picture, and it was awesome working on this shoot with Carl.  I was excited to know that he wanted to do part of our shoot with 4 X 5 Poloroids.  Carl brought in his 4 X 5 film camera for the shoot.  First, he had to focus the shot which meant that I had to hold completely still for 2 seconds in order to avoid blurring of the photo.  This was a little difficult to do and avoid looking stiff, but somehow it all came together.  He also used an old hot light with diffusion and black wrap.  The end result was numerous photos that each had its own unique and timeless quality.
It was great working with Carl because he let me work my own poses but also offered guidance when he had an idea--usually an extension of something I had thought of but sometimes wasn't quite there.  I liked the fact that I could have this freedom of creativity and expression in the poses but also had his advice from his perspective of being behind the camera.  Because we could work together in this way, I feel it greatly contributed to us achieving excellent shots.


This was shot on 1/2/08 for my 'One A Day' project. I'm shooting 1 test image a day for the month of January.
Carl Evans