Friday, December 28, 2007


  EJ is up from LA visiting her family for the holidays. We shot last night. Awesome and fun! Madeline did make-up. Sorry, only posting one photograph for now due to 'lack of time'. EJ rocked it! Love you!
This is, to me, a great example of how it takes nothing but everything to make a good photo. Phenomenal model, excellent Make-up artist, monkey with a camera, and a scarf. Simply lit with an extra small chimera and a 'nothing else'. B&W was done with a Channel mixer layer (red at maybe zero and pumping the blue at maybe 75 and green at maybe 25).
Hope all is well with you, I'm a pinch pre-occupied with the guitar at the moment but, I had to take a break and do a post.

Make-up by Madeline of Sylvie/PDX

Carl Evans

Monday, December 24, 2007

This is what we did.

This is that we shot the next night with the view camera. I used the tilts of the camera to only focus on the face and the shoes. All lit with that SV 'work light'. The first shot was a 2 second exposure and Katie held still (awesome!). The other 2 were around 1/4-1/2 second exposures. Really fun stuff! The only drawback is the each sheet of Polaroid 55 film costs $5.00! It's a more cost effective shot if you use a good model. Katie you rock!
-Carl Evans
Make-up and hair by Madeline of Sylvie's

Out of the closet!

Katie - A super quick test with a 4x5 view camera.
  Last Thursday my friend Katie stopped by to show me her new hair color. She darkened her blonde locks and Madeline of Sylvie's did and awesome job. We were discussing doing some new photos for Katie's book when I got all geeky and busted out an old 4x5 that I haven't used in years. She'd never seen one in use. It was pretty cool because, after I told her,  she really understood the slow process of it. Pose, focus, don't move, set the lens, don't move, load the Polaroid back into the camera, DON'T MOVE, shoot!
  I used a Cambo 45 with a Nikkor-W 210mm. We shot Polaroid Type 55. I lit her with an old Smith-Victor light (250watt bulb) that I have never used for more than a work light. The exposure was wide-open at 5.6 and I think it was 1/4 second.
  It was fun to shoot slow. No 2k hot lights, no strobes, no sun, no digital (except I copy shot the roids instead of scanning). Just a camera, a 'work light', and a 'this will be cool, I promise' attitude. Playing the game with different rules again. Raw and unpolished. Like, back before photography became a business for me. 19 again. Now I have a Bryan Adams song stuck in my head!
-Carl Evans

Open for business

Brittany/Portland Trailblazer Dancer in studio 8/07
Katie in studio 11/07
Tara in the studio 12/07
  Welcome to my blog. I guess I've joined the fray. My plans with this is to share my experiences in my photography with all of you. Show some photographs, discuss how they were done, and talk about photography in general.
  Photography is my passion and I feel fortunate to have discovered it early in my life. It's what I've done since I was 19. This will give me the forum to share this passion with anyone who will listen. Actually it's more of an outlet for me when there is no one here to listen.
I look forward to this adventure! I hope people reply to posts and open up dialogues for discussion.

-Carl Evans